getting the word out

Marketing our show

We invest heavily in marketing to ensure we get the right people to attend our event – both visitors and exhibitors, whilst our many sponsors allow us to make the show FREE for everyone to visit.

A Brand Ambassador

putting the right people together

Mike Monk, show organiser said “I am delighted that Chris Mansfield, someone I respect enormously and who is also respected in the wider business community, is now a Brand Ambassador for the show.

Chris Mansfield, the well-known and respected serial networker, has been appointed as Brand Ambassador for the Brighton & Hove Business Show.

Founder of Fusion, The Business Catalyst, Chris believes in the ‘givers gain’ ethos and has been a constant in the business networking community across the South East and London for more than 20 years.

He is a master at ‘putting the right people together’ and a great fit for the show, which is all about connecting businesses.

An expert in lead generation, strategic partnerships, and acquisitions, he is trusted by brands across Brighton and beyond.

During his years in business, he has perfected ways to short-cut communication processes and circumvent “gatekeepers” – all by knowing the right person to speak to or someone who does.

Our marketing strategy…

We encourage exhibitors, partners and everyone involved in the event to help with promotional activity in addition to our strategy –

Thanks to our sponsors for making this event FREE to attend.

Print Sponsor
Show Bag Sponsor
Seminar Room Sponsor
Radio Sponsor
Media Sponsor
Video Sponsor
promote your business

Become a show sponsor

We have various levels of sponsor packages available to suit all size of business. Have a look at the typical options below but please contact us to discuss the best one for you.

Show Headline Sponsor

We are offering businesses the opportunity to be our head line sponsor. Giving your company a unique opportunity and platform to advertise your business at our event.

Plus, inclusion in our marketing campaigns, in the build up and after the event.

Headline sponsor from £2500

  • 3m x 2m stand space in a premium location for the Headline Sponsor.
  • Email, Telemarketing, LinkedIn and direct mail campaigns.
  • Gold stand package Delegate list and Exhibitor contact List
  • Mentions in our press releases to newspapers and radio
  • Access to event media assets and logos
  • Logo on our website as Headline Sponsor with a link to your website
  • Full page advert in the show guide
  • Advertisement on event app
  • Regular social media mentions
  • Press release promoting event sponsorship

Exhibition Lounge

This has been extremely popular over recent years with the Exhibitors so we will be offering this again. You can have your Pop-up Banners in the room as well as Flyers on the tables and be listed on the website as the Sponsor.

From £400

Seminar Room

Sponsorship of the Seminar Room in the Gap Solutions Lounge allows you to have Pop-up Banners in the room along with your Flyers/Brochures plus a listing on the website as the Sponsor.

From £500

Show Bags

We will be producing Show Bags to give out to Exhibitors and Visitors at reception that will be printed with your logo and have your flyer inside, as well as being listed on the website as the Bag Sponsor.

From £500

Network Breakfast

We hold a Network Breakfast at 8am on the morning of the show in HB’s Restaurant for around 80 guests. There is a speaker lined up for this, but you will have a 5-minute slot to present your business, have Pop up Banners in the room and be listed on the website as the Sponsor.

From £750

Just wanted to thank you for a brilliant day Mike. We had a great time exhibiting. Made some interesting and mutually valuable new connections and a couple of new clients too!

Terry Bower

Co-Founder – Inside Stories