who’s at the Brighton show

Exhibitor List

Below is an up to date list of exhibitors that have already signed up to. Stands get booked fast so act quickly to ensure you get your ideal location.

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Exhibiting Company ⇅Stand ⇅Industy/Sector ⇅Website ⇅
Phil Bath Business Services Consultancy Ltd1Suppier of Office, Educational and Hospitality Furniturephilbath.co.uk
ticket brighton / my company2www-company41.co.ukanotherone.com
Data Mail Solutions6Print and Maildatamail.co
Inside Stories15Brandinginsidestories.guru
Federation of Small Businesses19Non-profit Business Supportfsb.org.uk
Clearline Recruitment20Recruitment and Apprenticeshipsclearlinerecruitment.co.uk
East Sussex National Hotel, Golf & Spa Resort22Hotel / Hospitality / Events / Spa / Golfeastsussexnational.co.uk
Phoenix Systems29Construction / Commercial Interiorsphoenix-sys.co.uk
Merceric Executive Coaching32Executive Coachingmerceric.co.uk
Chestnut Tree House33Charitychestnut-tree-house.org.uk
Buxted Park Hotel34Hotelhandpickedhotels.co.uk
Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd35Wellbeing: Therapy, Training & Coachinginspire-you.co.uk
Sussex Copywriting Services39SEO and Contentsussexcopywriter.co.uk
The Float Spa40Health & Wellnessthefloatspa.co.uk
Pearce Marketing50Marketingpearcemarketing.co.uk
Plumpton Racecourse57Sports & Leisureplumptonracecourse.co.uk
As an exhibitor, I was extremely impressed. A great day, and perfectly organised, too. Thanks for inviting Sussex Copywriting Services to have a stand. Well done, Mike. Definitely booking next year.

Susan Beckingham

Sussex Copywriting Services